Prerequisites for working with language files
To be able to work with a language file, a master XML file must have been created and it needs to be located in the MAK Home folder. See M3 Adaptation Kit Administration Guide.
Language constants and messages consist of a language file and a table in the M3 BE database. The language file and the database table have the same name, and they must be synchronized.
When working with language files, it is possible to do these tasks:
Edit constant and message files by using the MAK Language Editor.
Update language tables in the database using these steps:
Modify the Language Entity using the Language Editor. This task is done by New or Get Language Entity.
Deploy the XML file. The changes in the XML file are merged into the language file and the Master XML file on the M3 BE Server. A zip file containing the XML file with the changes is also deployed to the server.
Use the zip file in LifeCycle Manager (LCM) to update the database with new data.