Editing a column

Use this procedure to edit a column in the database interface.

  1. In the Table pane, select a column to edit. The Column Details pane is displayed.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify a new Field name in this table, with the chosen field prefix.
    Field heading
    Specify the field heading connected to the field or browse a field heading using the Field Headings window. The field heading is retrieved from the language file that is valid according to a language search order.

    Select the type of the field data. These types are possible:

    • String

    • Decimal

    Specify a new value for the length of the field.
    Specify the number of decimals in the field if it is a decimal field.
    Edit code
    Select the edit code that is to be used for the field. The code controls how the field is presented in panels and lists. It is the base for the field properties displayed in Screen Designer.
  3. Press CTRL+S to save the changes. The changes are now applied to the column.