Creating a condition

Use this procedure to create a condition for displaying fields in an index overview.

  1. In the Table pane, select the index overview for which you want to create conditions.
  2. Select Conditions and click Add. The Condition Details pane is displayed.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select a rule, a logical AND/OR, which links the condition with the previous row in the list.
    Select a Column in which you want to make a condition. All fields belonging to the table are displayed in the list.
    Select an operator for the condition in the list. These are the valid operators:
    • < Less than

    • <= Less than or equal to

    • = Equal to

    • > Greater than

    • >= Greater than or equal to

    • IS NOT Not equal to

    • LIKE Equal to

    Specify a value with which the field is compared.
  4. Click Add again to add more rows to the condition.
  5. Press CTRL+S to save the changes. The condition for displaying the index overview is now inserted.