Language Master XML files
The Language Master XML files for M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) must be generated from Business Engine (BE) using LifeCycle Manager (LCM). The exported files are extracted and stored in the BE folder structure.
To maintain a Language File, the XML must be first fetched from the BE folder structure using Get, which copies the XML into the local workspace. The Language Editor then parses the XML in the local workspace, and displays it. After changes are made, the Language can be deployed using Deploy, merging the changes into the Language Master XML file in the BE folder structure. As a result, it creates a merged log file in the same location. The changes are also merged with the language file stored in the BE Environment path.
A zip file containing the updates, which can be used to update the BE Language Table using LCM, is generated during deploy.
See information about Language Master XML files in M3 Adaptation Kit Installation Guide.