Adding Filters for Debugging

Use this procedure to add filters to look up some common classes while debugging. Adding filters prevents Eclipse from crashing when looking for M3 Business Engine (BE) foundation sources. The M3 BE foundation source files can cause long delays when the debugger tries to look up the class.

To add filters for debugging

  1. Start Eclipse.
  2. Select Window > Preferences. The Preferences window is displayed.
  3. Expand the node for Java.
  4. Select Debug > Step Filtering. The properties for Step Filtering are displayed.
  5. Select the option to Use Step Filters to activate the step-filtering feature.
  6. Click Add Filter. The Add Step Filter window is displayed.
  7. Type the name of the package that you want to add to the filter and click OK. You can add the following packages one at a time:

    • mvx.db.*

    • mvx.dsp.common.*

    • mvx.runtime.*

    • mvx.util.*

    • mvx.bci.*

    The packages are automatically selected in the Step Filtering view as soon as they are added.

  8. Click Apply then click OK to apply the changes.