Infor Enterprise Collaborator

Same base version as in Core I&T 13.3.0.

Corrections in Infor Enterprise Collaborator



JT-915265 Corrections on open Stack support for both Redhat Linux and Postgres DB

JT-915342 Support for MI user/password with more than 16 characters

JT-915294 Fixed Mapgen database connection issue when generating or publishing mappings

JT-915310 Database connection pool improvement

JT-753148 Correction on missing index for MAP_tables

JT-891627 End point address column field in IEC table is increased

JT-924973 Fixed BEResolver thread deadlock issue

JT-923967 Automap IEC IFS Security Role to Grid role mapping on installation and upgrade

JT-924981 Fixed IOBox deadlock issue

JT-925048 Upgrade issue on DB script with detection target values when agreements use Cyrillic characters

For Business Document Mapper tool:

Added new IF widget

Support Attributes and Root Elements with Prefix

Allow crossing inbound fields controlling loops/if

Country-specific API metadata handling in BOD mappings

Related documents

Infor Enterprise Collaborator Administration Guide

M3 Core Installation Guide

M3 Core Administration Guide

M3 Core Installation Planning Guide

Net Change ID 8622