Creating an API suite for M3

These conditions must be fulfilled:

  • The user who creates the M3 API suite in ION API must have the IFS Security Role IONAPI-Administrator.
  • Create a P12 client keystore with the role grid-run-as-user.
  • Identify the applicable router host name and https port by opening the Grid Management Pages > Topology view and locating a router that publishes an M3BE application.
  • Ensure that impersonation and an applicable HTTPS authentication type is enabled for the applicable router:

    Navigate to Grid Management Pages > Configuration Manager > Communication > Routers:

    • Verify that Enable impersonation is selected for the applicable router.
    • Ensure that HTTPS Authentication Type is set to either "Clients may authenticate with certificate" or "Clients must authenticate with certificate" for the applicable router.
  1. Open the ION API administration interface in Infor Ming.le.
  2. Click Add New API Suite.
  3. Specify this information:
    Infor Non-provisioned

    Select this option.

    Application Name

    Specify Infor M3.


    Select the applicable M3 version.

    Suite Name

    Specify M3.

    API Context

    Accept the default value.

    Use HTTPS

    Select this option.

    Host Name

    Specify the applicable router host name.


    Specify the https port as per SYSTEM.HTTPS:[PORT].


    Leave this field as is.

  4. In Target Endpoint Security:
    User Mutal SSL

    Select this option.

    Key Password

    Specify the password for the client keystore, and click "Load Certificate".

    Navigate to the applicable keystore and click Open.

    Authentication Type

    Select Anonymous.

  5. Click Save.