Uploading the latest H5 Enterprise package

  1. Download the M3 H5 Enterprise files from Downloads on Infor Customer Portal.
  2. Log on to the LifeCycle Manager as an administrator.
  3. On the LifeCycle Manager menu, click Admin > Upload Products.
  4. On the Manage Products page, click Upload.
  5. Locate the folder containing the M3 UI Adapter product package and select M3_H5_Client_Enterprise_<version>.zip. Click Open.

    The progress is shown in a dialog box.

  6. On the Verifying package window, click Yes to register the packages on the LifeCycle Manager Server.
  7. When the task is finished, a dialog box is displayed. Click OK.
  8. When a dialog box is displayed, click Yes to update your client.
  9. When the update is done, a dialog box is displayed. Click OK to restart the client.