Upgrading M3 UI Adapter to M3 Core release

M3 UI Adapter can either be a new install or an upgrade from There is no upgrade path from the previous 10.2.x versions of M3 UI Adapter to versions 10.3.x.

See Installation considerations for M3 UI Adapter.

  1. Right-click your grid application and select Upgrade Application.

    The Upgrade Application wizard, which contains the current version of the .gar file is displayed.

  2. Click Next.
  3. In the Summary window, verify the information and click Finish.
  4. When the task is finished, a window is displayed. Click OK or click View log.
    You can also go to the Logs tab to view the log file.
  5. On the Dashboard tab, under Product information, verify that the version has changed to the latest version.