M3 Adaptation Kit Plug-in and Features Folders

The notation x.x.x refers to the current version of the M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK).

Some MAK application files are located in the plug-in folders of Eclipse (eclipse\plugins). The plug-in folder contains these five folders of MAK:

  • com.infor.mak.help_x.x.x<build number>

  • com.infor.mak.ui.team.svn_x.x.x<build number>

  • com.infor.mak_x.x.x<build number>

Some MAK application files are located in the features folders of Eclipse (eclipse\features). The features folder contains these three folders of MAK:

  • com.infor.mak.core_x.x.x<build number>

  • com.infor.mak.ui_x.x.x<build number>

  • com.infor.mak.ui.team.svn_x.x.x<build number>

  • com.infor.help.makag_x.x.x<build number>

  • com.infor.help.makug_x.x.x<build number>

The com.infor.mak.core_x.x.x plug-in folder contains these folders and files:

Name Description
icons Folder for icons
lib Folder for JAR files
META-INF Contains the MANIFEST.MF file. This is a special file that contains the meta information about the files packaged in a JAR file.
templates Contains template files needed by the language editor and field help.
tools Folder containing files and programs that are not depending on Eclipse, but used by the plug-in.
about files Files with plug-in information used by Eclipse.
*.xsl Stylesheet files for functions used by the plug-in.
makcore.jar Compiled class files of MAK
log4j.properties Properties file used for logging
plugin.xml Plug-in description

The tools folder contains these files:

Name Description
CopyMvxFile.exe Copies view definition files and renames record formats
GanttOCX.ocx, Graphs32.ocx, Gswag32.dll, gswdll32.dll Used by Screen Designer




IDS DLL file used by Screen Designer
IDSViewDefMerger.exe Merge tool for display files
IdsViewHistoryLog.exe History viewer for view definitions
InfoLog.css Cascading style sheet document
InfoLog.XSL XSL Style sheet
MvxSDCommon.dll IDS DLL file
ScreenDesigner.exe Screen designer executable

The com.infor.mak.uix.x.x plug-in folder contains these folders and files:

Name Description
icons Folder containing icons used by the plug-in
lib Folder for JAR files
META-INF Contains the MANIFEST.MF file. This is a special file that contains the meta information about the files packaged in a JAR file.
about files Files with plug-in information used by Eclipse.
makui.jar Compiled class files of MAK
plugin.properties Properties file
plugin.xml Plug-in description