Add Host

Use this procedure to add another host to the grid. By adding a new host to the grid, applications can scale out to this new host or you can install new applications there.

It is safe to add hosts to a grid while the grid and existing applications are running and in use.

Note: To add a host, the host has to be running an LCM Service so that LifeCycle Manager can communicate with it.
  1. In LifeCycle Manager, in the Applications tab of the left pane, double-click on the Grid Hosts node for your grid.
  2. In the Tasks tab of the right pane, click Add Host.
  3. On the Add a New Host to Grid window, specify these:

    Select a new host to add to the grid.

    Internal Address

    Select the internal address of the host. This address is used by the grid agents, registry, and nodes on this host, and to generate the host.ks.keystore that is used to establish trust between grid hosts (internal host-host trust).

    It is recommended to use the FQDN.

    External Address

    Specify the external address for the host. This address is used by the administrative router, default router and other grid routers to which clients will connect. It is used to generate the https.ks (SSL keystore) which is presented to clients when they connect to the grid through HTTPS (WS, REST, and so on).

    It is recommended to use the FQDN.

    Always recommended to be an FQDN (though no limitation prevents you using IP address) - This address is used by the Administrative Router, Default Router and other Grid routers to which clients will connect - This address is used to generate the https.ks (SSL keystore) which is presented to clients when they connect to the Grid through HTTPS (WS, REST, etc)


    Specify a description for this host.

    Grid Agent Port

    Specify the port number for the grid agent on this host. This port is used for configuration purposes. It must be accessible from the LifeCycle Manager server.


    Select the JDK to use on this host.

    32 bit JDK

    Select the 32 bit JDK that the grid will use (Required for the Windows platform)

    64 bit JDK

    Select the 64 bit JDK that the grid will use

    Run host with 32 bit JDK

    Select this option to run the grid with the 32 bit JDK (Required for the Windows platform)

    Run host with 64 bit JDK

    Select this option to run the grid with the 64 bit JDK

    Click Next.

  4. On the Summary window, verify the properties provided.

    Click Finish.