To configure the memory settings

If you notice that EC is running low on heap size, or EC encounters an OutOfMemory error, you can increase the java heap size which is the working memory allocated for a JVM. Use this procedure to modify the heap settings of the Node Type.

If EC application has no defined heap size or if the default heap size setting is not suitable, use this procedure to modify the heap size setting.

For new installations, 512MB heap size is automatically set across existing EC nodes.

  1. In the LCM Applications tab, select and expand the view of the Space > grid where EC is installed.
  2. Right-click <EC Application Name> > Configuration Application.

    The "Application:<EC Application name>_<version>" page is displayed.

  3. Click the Edit Properties link.
  4. In the Grid Defined Properties section, expand the view of Node Memory.
  5. Click the Max Heap link.
  6. On Display Complexity options, select Node Type.
  7. Configure the heap size on one or more of the node types.
  8. Save and exit the Configure Application page.

    For information on adding and setting heap size, see the Modify Heap Size topic in M3 Core Administration Guide.