Application Defined Properties for M3 UI Adapter
Infor Ming.le Settings
Property | Type | Description |
Context List | string | List of message definitions used in context
sharing. Values are in JSON format. |
Web Mashup URL | string | URL to the Mashup Server. Default: /mashup |
Start page settings
Property | Type | Description |
Enable Start Pages | boolean | Enables the Start Pages feature in M3 H5. |
Document Management
Property | Type | Description |
Document Management URL | string | IDM Logical ID when used in Mingle or IDM base
URL when H5 is used as standalone. If Document Management is accessed from Ming.le, an example for the URL would be lid://infor.daf.1 If using standalone Document Management, however, the URL must point to the standalone installation. The URL in this case must have this format: https://hostname:port/ca/client/index. html?$query= |
Document Management Entity URL | string | URL used to retrieve the list of IDM entities. For example, Note: The URL must use the https protocol.
M3 API Connection Settings
Property | Type | Description |
M3 API Rest URL | string | This setting is only for development use. Do not
change the default value. Default:/m3api-rest |
M3 API Rest User | string | This setting is only for development use. This is the user ID used in M3 API Rest calls. |
M3 API Rest Password | password | This setting is only for development use. |
Advanced Settings
HTTP protocol and URLs
Property | Type | Description |
Help Url | string | Sets the URL to the root of the help page. The URL should always be /help when help files are loaded from BE Foundation in the same grid, which is the default setup. |
M3 Documentation | string | URL pointing to documentation for M3 Business Engine, for example, For more information, see "Verify the M3 Documentation Infocenters" in M3 Core Installation Guide. |
GZip Output | boolean | If set to "true", the XML files that are sent from the M3 UI Adapter server to the M3 UI Adapter client are zipped to save on data space over the network. |
Session settings
Property | Type | Description |
HTTP Session timeout | integer | The timeout of the HTTP session expressed in
minutes. If this value is missing, or set to 0 or less, the default value of 60 minutes is used. If a value is specified, it is applied to the HTTP session for each user that logs into M3. Expired sessions are removed by the session cleaner thread. |
Session Clean Interval | integer | The number of minutes the session cleanup
thread waits between executions. Default: 15 |
Session Clean Timeout | integer | Sets the amount of time allowed for
controlled cleanup of a single session. Timeout in milliseconds Minimum value is 5000 Default: 30000 |
Max Programs | integer | Sets the maximum number of programs a user
can start regardless of the max TAB limit setting in (MNS150). If the value is greater than this setting, it overrides the tab limit value in MNS150. For Infor Smart Office related setting, the maximum number of normal M3 programs (normal MForms, excluding mashups, bookmarks, or searches). |
Max Normal Programs | integer | Sets the maximum number of normal programs (excluding mashups, bookmarks, and searches). |
Application settings
Property | Type | Description |
Generate Hidden Fields | boolean | If set to "true", all fields including
hidden fields will be generated into an XML that is sent to the client. If set to "false", will skip all hidden fields that reduce the size of the generated XML and speed up the XML generation. Default: true Note: Set this property to "true" when using MNEAI
Footer Field Offset | integer | The number to be added to the top
coordinate for fields located under the list. Default: 2 |
Document Link Manager Class | string | Sets the FileDocumentLinkManager. The class
used for handling document links. Default: com.infor.melon.doclinks.FileDocumentLinkManager |
Max Program Cache | integer | The maximum number of programs that can
exist in the cache at the same time. If this number is reached, the entire cache is cleared and the programs must be reloaded. You can set it to a lower value on a server with limited RAM. Default: 500 |
Decimal Separator | string | Sets the decimal separator. You can override this setting in the (MNS095), (MNS100), or (MNS150) programs. Default: "." (period) |
Enable DatePicker | boolean | If turned off, all date fields are standard
input fields instead of date selectors. Default: true |
Date Picker Formats | string | Sets a list of semicolon separated list of
date picker formats for a giver program. For example: ABC001=YMD8;ABC002=false) |
Date Format | string | If the no date format is provided by the M3 program, this property sets the format for date picker. The default is blank as programs must always provide date format. |
Enable Caption Tooltips | boolean | Shows tooltips on captions or labels. If
turned off, the server will not generate caption tooltips. Default: true |
Expand List Programs | string | |
Disable Customization Cache | boolean | Used only for development when customizations must be cached on server. This property should never be disabled in a production environment. |
Enable user lookup | boolean | Determines if the M3 user name should be looked up using the grid principal. |
M3 Connection settings
Property | Type | Description |
Recursive Kill | boolean | Kill programs recursively using F3/F12 if possible. |
Missing Language File Retry Interval | integer | The interval in minutes between retry attempts for missing language files. |
Property | Type | Description |
Max hits | integer | The max number of hits for an Infocenter
help query Default value: 15 |
Property | Type | Description |
Skip database verification | boolean | This setting is only for development use. When this setting is enabled the database will not be verified or updated. Default value: false |