Configure the email settings

  1. Right-click your M3 Foundation Information Reader application and select Manage Application.

    The start page for your M3 Foundation Information Reader application is displayed as a new tab.

  2. Click General settings. The available tasks are displayed.
  3. Specify these information in the Email Server Settings area:

    Specify which email server to use.


    Optionally, provide the user name for the email server (depending on your email server configuration).


    Optionally, provide the password for the user (depending on your email server configuration).


    Specify from which address the emails are sent.

  4. Specify this information in the Email Recipients area:

    Provide the email address of the receiver.

  5. Click Save settings.

    For the application to send emails to more than one recipient, specify the first email address in the Email recipients form and click the Save settings button. A new text field is displayed for the next recipient. Redo this step to add more recipients.