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M3 Core Administration Guide - AIX
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About this guide
Introduction and overview
What is M3 Core?
Post-installation steps
LifeCycle Manager
Testing LDAP Connection
Changing the Compatibility Level
Infor ION Grid
Configuring the Grid
Add Host
Modify Heap Size
Modify Memory Threshold
Modifying settings for X-Frame-Options and Content Security Policy
Infor Companion
Uninstalling Infor Companion
M3 UI Adapter
Enabling Start pages for M3 H5
Enable Start page settings
Next steps
Setting the M3 UI Adapter users
Configuring Grid server memory
Viewing log files
Changing logging levels
M3 H5 Enterprise
Configuring H5 Enterprise
Mapping roles to Mashup server users
Enabling Start pages for M3 H5 Enterprise
Enabling M3 H5 in Infor Ming.le
M3 Business Engine
License settings
Start M3 Business Engine Environment
Start Environment
Test M3 Business Engine Environment
Test Environment
Stop M3 Business Engine Environment
Stop Environment
Upgrading StreamServe 5.6.2 templates to Exstream 16.x
Locating the installation packages
StreamServe Language Handling for 5.6.2
Exstream Language Handling for 16.x
Create Runtime Environment for StreamServe
Editing a Platform file
Export the main projects
Create applications
Deploying main projects
Print languages with characters not supported by fonts Arial and Courier New
Creating a fontmap file
Adding the fontmap file to the Global project
Enabling right-to-left printing
Create runtimes
Setting up M3 Business Engine 15.1.x for StreamServe Layouts
Create Servers in MNS218
Create Services in MNS216
Create Output Server Definition in MNS204
Create Output Definition in MNS205
Check Output Jobs in MNS206
Prepare StreamServe for a production environment
Complete Installation of StreamServe Layouts
Open updated PageOUT and StoryTeller layouts
M3 Foundation Information Reader
Configure the email settings
Enable the email functionality
To change the user and password used by the application
M3 Web Services
Adjusting the Heap Size in the MWS Grid Node
ION API enablement
Creating an API suite for M3
Infor Enterprise Collaborator Server
Accessing IEC application pages in grid
Starting EC application and Management page
Setting the IEC user and role mappings
Verifying the IEC Server components installation
Setting the JVM
Configuring the IEC Application
To add EC host and to bind hosts
To configure the memory settings
To access predefined EC application settings
Binding table
Setting up API/MI properties for MapGen
Configuring IEC properties
Partner Administration tool
Resetting the Partner Admin tool password
Migrating old database settings to current Partner Admin tool installation
Setting the Partner Admin tool database connectivity
Business Document Mapper
Business Document Mapper configuration overview
Configuring memory settings
Saving Business Document Mapper preferences
Setting the Mapper password
Setting the Mapper database connectivity
Setting the API connectivity
Setting the server connectivity
Setting the SQL connectivity
Flat File Definition tool
Resetting the Flat File Definition tool password
Migrating old database settings to current Flat File Definition tool installation
Setting the Flat File Definition tool database connectivity
Setting a temporary folder to store definitions
M3 Adaptation Kit
Verifying M3 Adaptation Kit Installation
Opening the M3 Adaptation Kit Perspective
Installing Language Master XML Files
M3 Metadata Publisher
Verifying MDP installation
Generating MDP BE System (System Configuration)
Generate MDP BE System (Components & Text Search)
Launching M3 Metadata Publisher Client
Upgrade to a new M3 Core Release
Upgrading to a new M3 Core release
Admin tasks for LifeCycle Manager
Upgrading the LifeCycle Manager
Upgrade considerations
Upgrading the LifeCycle Manager to M3 Core release
Preparing for installation
Upgrading LifeCycle Manager Server
Certificate problems
Detecting a certificate problem
Solving a certificate problem
Uninstalling a LifeCycle Manager Service
Uninstalling a LifeCycle Manager Service on AIX
Uninstalling the LifeCycle Manager Client
Uninstalling the LifeCycle Manager Server
Moving the LifeCycle Manager Server
Admin tasks for ION Grid
Upgrade Infor ION Grid to M3 Core release
Upgrade the ION Grid
Perform post-upgrade procedures
Upgrading Infor ION Grid through CCSS
Uninstalling the Grid
Remove hosts
Removing the grid
Admin Tasks for User Management
Security Roles and Grid roles
Verifying Grid role mappings
Adding a Grid role mapping for a Security Role
User management in Infor Ming.le 12
Enable editing of the property IFS Person ID
Importing M3 users in Infor Ming.le 12
Manual configuration of the property IFS Person ID
Automatic configuration of the property IFS Person ID
Assigning Security Roles to a user in Infor Ming.le 12
Assigning a Security Role to multiple users in Infor Ming.le 12
Assigning a Security Role to all new or existing users in Infor Ming.le 12
Assigning a Security Role to members of an AD group in Infor Ming.le 12
To add an AD group:
To assign a security role to members of an AD group:
Admin tasks for Session Provider
Upgrading SAML Session Provider 1.13 to M3 Core release
Upgrading SAML Session Provider 1.11 to M3 Core release
Upgrading Session Provider through CCSS
Managing the signature algorithm for the SAML Session Provider
Error detection
Changing the signature algorithm used by the SAML Session Provider
Changing the signature algorithm configured in AD FS
Uninstalling a SAML Session Provider
Admin tasks for GDBC
Upgrading GDBC to M3 Core release
Stop the GDBC application
Update the GDBC application
Start the GDBC application and verify the update
Upgrading GDBC through CCSS
Managing Database Drivers for the Grid Database Connectivity Grid Extension
Add a database driver for the Grid Database Connectivity grid extension
Change the GDBC database driver for an application
View database driver file names
Remove a database driver from the Grid Database Connectivity grid extension
Uninstalling GDBC
Admin tasks for Event Hub and Event Analytics
Upgrading Event Hub to M3 Core Release
Upgrading Event Hub through CCSS
Upgrading Event Analytics to M3 Core release
Upgrading Event Analytics through CCSS
Uninstalling Event Hub
Uninstalling Event Analytics
Event Hub Grid Application Properties
Event Analytics Grid Application Properties
Starting and Stopping the Event Hub
Starting and Stopping Event Analytics
Multiple Nodes for Event Hub
How to enable Event Hub integration
Event Hub installed on different Grid
Event Hub Management Pages
Main Page
Subscribers Page
Subscriber Page
Subscription Page
Event Analytics Management Pages
Event Hub Visualization and Recording UI
Topology Visualization
Event Recording
Viewing Recorded Data
Search Query Syntax
Event Recorder Node
Manual purging
Automatic purging
Admin tasks for M3 UI Adapter and M3 H5
Installation considerations for M3 UI Adapter
Upgrading M3 UI Adapter to M3 Core release
Upgrading M3 UI Adapter through CCSS
Uninstalling M3 UI Adapter
Setting M3 UI Adapter properties in Grid
Configure application defined properties for M3 UI Adapter
Application Defined Properties for M3 UI Adapter
Using the M3 UI Adapter Administration Page in Grid
Recreating the database
Migrating configuration files in M3 UI Adapter
Defining the M3 UI Adapter URL in an Infor Smart Office profile
M3 H5
Installation considerations for M3 H5 Enterprise
Uploading the latest H5 Enterprise package
Upgrading H5 Enterprise
Upgrading H5 Enterprise through CCSS
Upload the latest package to LifeCycle Manager
Upgrade H5 Enterprise
Integrating M3 H5 to Infor Document Management
Install the keystore
Configure the Document Entity URL for IDM
Net Extension Manager
Modifying server settings
Viewing user sessions
Viewing program statistics
Link Manager
Creating a link to documents in Infor Document Management
Creating Web links
Editing a link
Deleting a link
Copying a link
Using the H5 Settings tool
Change a default setting
Add a rule
Change a setting for selected users and roles
Using the Start page Settings tool
Application administrator vs. Start page administrator
Start page for first-time users
Start page configuration scenarios
Configuring user settings
Changing client log level
Managing the pages
Managing widgets
Adding a rule
Changing a setting for selected users and roles
Using the Personalizations tool
Copy to versus Merge to
Personalization lookup and priorities
Exporting a personalization file
Importing a personalization file
Removing a file
Using the Data files tool
Using the export/import tool
Data Category
Exporting data
Importing data
Enabling Google Sheets API
Using the Applications tool
Installing a web application
Installing multiple web applications
Uninstalling H5 Enterprise
Admin tasks for M3 Business Engine and M3 Foundation
Upgrading M3 Foundation to M3 Core release
Retrieving a major upgrade of M3 Foundation
Upgrade M3 Foundation
Upgrade M3 Foundation
Verify the license settings
Upgrading M3 Foundation through CCSS
Retrieving a minor upgrade of M3 Foundation
Upgrading M3 Foundation through CCSS
Field Audit Trail
Environment Requirements
Field Audit Trail Overview
FAT Audit Files
Overriding the use of the M3 RemoteClassProvider node
Accessing the Management Page for a M3BE Environment from a Browser
Uninstalling an M3 BE environment
Uninstalling M3 Foundation Information Reader
M3 BE Environment Security Roles Definition
Admin tasks for Information Centers
Solving a Certificate Problem in infocenter
Removing a previous infocenter
Admin tasks for M3 Web Services
Import or export services and configurations
Export to Migration Package
Import from Migration Package
Import from other M3 Web Services in LifeCycle Manager
Upgrading M3 Web Services through CCSS
Upgrading M3 Web Services to M3 Core release
Uninstall M3 Web Services grid application
Admin tasks for Infor Enterprise Collaborator
Upgrading IEC Server to M3 Core release
Updating IEC Database
Upgrading IEC Server
Upgrading IEC Server through CCSS
Upgrading IEC Server through CCSS
To retrieve and apply a CCSS fix
To update the patch
Verify your registered IEC product version
Uninstalling IEC Server
Admin tasks for Infor Enterprise Collaborator client tools
Upgrading Partner Admin tool to M3 Core release
Uninstalling Partner Admin tool
Upgrading Business Document Mapper to M3 Core release
Upgrading Business Document Mapper through CCSS
Uninstalling Business Document Mapper
Upgrading Flat File Definition tool to M3 Core release
Uninstalling the Flat File Definition tool
Admin tasks for BOD Processor
Configuring BOD Processor
Upgrading BOD processor
Admin tasks for Workflow Executor
M3 Workflow Executor configuration tasks
Admin tasks for M3 Adaptation Kit
Upgrading M3 Adaptation Kit to M3 Core release
Upgrading M3 Adaptation Kit through CCSS
Uninstalling M3 Adaptation Kit
Verifying M3 Adaptation Kit Uninstallation
M3 Adaptation Kit Plug-in and Features Folders
Admin tasks for M3 Metadata Publisher
Upgrading M3 Metadata Publisher through CCSS
Upgrading M3 Metadata Publisher to M3 Core release
Uninstalling M3 Metadata Publisher
OLTP table compression
OLTP Compression of Table Data
OLTP Table Compression
Benefits of OLTP Table Compression
Minimal Performance Overhead
M3 - OLTP Compression and Performance
M3 BE tables adjustment
Adjust M3 BE temporary tables
Oracle auto start and stop
Automatic start and stop at reboot
Performance issues
Increase Performance
Fast Recovery Area
Fast Recovery Area (FRA)
Event Analytics Rules
Utility Methods
Code Examples
Demo drl File
Item Update Counter Rule
M3 BE Event Hub Publisher
<M3 Table>
<M3 Batch Program>
<M3 Interactive Program>
<M3 Interactive Program> "." <Method>
<M3 Program>
Creating an event to send to the Event Hub from publishing applications
Create an event
Mashup Server (Runtime of Mashups)
Deploying a mashup application
Undeploying a mashup application
Maintaining a mashup application
Deploying a system
Undeploying a system
Maintaining a system
IDM Proxy
IDM Proxy for M3 UI Adapter
Installing IDM Proxy
Installing the gar file into the M3 Grid
Verifying the connection
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