Exstream Language Handling for 16.x

This patch is required for customers using an installation of Exstream 16 and is only validated for this version. Using this patch for other versions other than 16 is at the risk of the customer.

  1. Ensure that the MvxLangMgrDllU.dll is placed in

    <OpenText Exstream installation folder>\Exstream\<Exstream_version>\Server\lib>

  2. Ensure that the registry key "Language" in the registry key folder [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intentia\SSLang\LangFiles\Paths] has a value pointing to the path where all *.lng files are located. If not, create the key "Language" and give it a value to the path where all *.lng files are located.
  3. Stop all services (applications) in your application domain in Control Center.
  4. Restart the StreamServe Management Gateway Service.
  5. Start the services (applications) in your application domain in Control Center again.