Setting the Flat File Definition tool database connectivity
If you are using FFD tool for the first time you must set a database connection.
Use this procedure to set the database connection. The FlatFileGuiIni.xml
file is encrypted and cannot be modified.
Launch Flat File Repository Manager.
The Flat File Definition Tool Security Login window is displayed.
- Specify your user name and password.
Click OK.
The Flat File Repository Manager window is displayed.
In the Definitions in repository pane right-click and select Add Repository.
The Add Repository window is displayed.
Specify this information:
- Driver
Specify the database driver to use, for example,
Specify the path to the database location, for example,
Specify the host name or IP address of the EC database server to connect to.
- User
Specify the username of the SQL database server user.
- Password
Specify the password for the SQL database server user.
- Catalog
Specify the name of the IEC<version> Database on the host.
- Schema
Accept the default schema.
Click Test to verify the connection.
A message is displayed if the connection fails.
- Click OK.
- Close and exit the tool.