Modifying server settings

Use this procedure to change specific server settings.

Given that the server settings might be changed during run time, follow the procedure with caution when in a live environment.
  1. From the application menu, select Administration Tools > Net Extension Manager.
  2. Click the Functions tab. This table shows the server settings and the corresponding function.
    Server setting Description
    Clear language cache Clears the entire cache of the M3 BE language files. Use this functionality to avoid restarting the server when new or updated language files are added to the environment.
    Clear language Clears a single language from the language cache.
    Clear program cache

    Clears the entire cache of the M3 BE view definitions for interactive programs. When new or updated metadata files are added, this functionality can be used to avoid restarting the server.

    When Grid proxies are used for MUA to connect to M3 BE communication, it is not necessary to clear the program cache. Grid proxy communication is always used for MUA 10.3.x and later, but optional for earlier versions.

    Note: In cases when a program has been previously opened, you might have to clear the program cache when a new language file has been loaded.
    Clear program Clears a single program from the program metadata cache.
    Clear customization cache

    Clears the global customizations applied to an M3 program. These customizations are cached on M3 UI Adapter.

    Note: Data is cached on multiple levels in H5, both on the server and on the client. A restart on the browser is recommended to clear the data which is cached in the client.
    Cleanup sessions Manually starts the session cleaner and is primarily used for development and troubleshooting only.
    Session cleaner

    Enables or disables the thread that cleans up sessions that have timed out.

    Value: Enabled/disabled

    Default: Enabled

    Session cleanup interval

    Sets the interval that the cleanup thread waits between executions.

    Value: Number of minutes

    Default: 15mins

    Session cleaner status

    Displays the status of the session cleaner. The different statuses are:

    • TERMINATED = not in use

    • SLEEPING = in use but not running

    • RUNNING = in use and running

    Default: SLEEPING

    Migration tool

    Enables user to migrate files of these mne data folders into the database:

    • Automations

    • Customizations

    • DocumentLinks

    • UserSettings

    Users can also migrate files to the Jscript folder.

    To be able to use the migration tool, files must be converted into a .zip package. The .zip file must be structured to contain at least one of the folders mentioned above.

    Note: This tool should not be used after a migration is completed or by customers with a new install of the latest MUA version 10.3.x or later.