Creating a Support package

Use this procedure to create a Support package. This task finds the appropriate log files and creates a zip file along with system information that can be sent in a error report. An error report often needs to be accompanied by log files for support personnel to find the cause of the problem.

  1. Right-click your environment and select Create Support Package.
    Note:  You can also open the task by clicking Create Support Package on the dashboard.
  2. Select a start and stop date and time to specify the time span.
  3. Select a location where the error package including the log files and other information would be saved.
  4. Click Next. The Summary window is displayed.
  5. Verify the values provided and click Finish.
  6. When the task is finished, a window is displayed. Click OK or click View log. You can also go to the Logs tab to view the log file.