Updating specific database records
Use this procedure to update specific database records.
Ensure that the BE environment is already started.
Right-click your environment and select Database > Update Database.
Note: You can also open the task by clicking Database > UPDDTA on the dashboard.
- Specify the username and password for the M3 Business Engine user. Click OK.
- The UPDDTA window is displayed.
- In the Table name field, specifye the name of the table that you want to update.
- Click Open. The table information is displayed. You can sort the table columns by selecting an option in the Sort Order list.
- Select an item in the table that you want to update. Only 50 records are displayed at a time. Click Next or Prev to retrieve the next or previous 50 records from the table.
Select the task you want to perform from these options:
- Update
Select this option to edit an existing record in the table.
- New
Select this option to add a new record in the table.
- New from
Select this option to add a new record in the table by copying an existing record.
- Delete
Select this option to delete an existing record in the table.
The details for the selected table are displayed in a new window. Table details such as Key, Value, Status, Type, Length, and Field Heading ID are shown.
Select a column that you want to update and specify its new value.
Note: Some columns will not be editable based on the action selected in the previous step. For example, if you selected Update, you cannot edit the key column.
Correct any errors indicated in the Status column:
Status Description Textual representation is too large Value entered exceeds the number of allowable characters. Not a number Value entered contains illegal characters. Multiple decimal separators Value entered contains more than one comma or period. Fractional part is too large Value entered contains too many numerical characters after a comma or a period. Integral part is too large Value entered contains too many numerical characters before a comma or a period. -
Select one of these options to save your changes:
- Create
Select this option to save the changes for the new record created.
- Update
Select this option to save the changes for the updated record.
- Delete
Select this option to save the changes for the deleted record.
- When all records are updated, close the UPDDTA window to exit the tool.