Upgrading the database with a service pack

Use this procedure to upgrade the database with a service pack.

Ensure that the service pack has already been installed.

  1. Right-click your environment and select Database > Upgrade Database with Service Pack.
    Note:  You can also open the task by clicking Database > Upgrade Database with Service Pack on the dashboard.
  2. Perform either of these options depending on the status of the environment:
    • If the environment is running, the message "Set M3 BE in maintenance mode" is displayed. Click Next.

    • If the environment is stopped, the environment will be started in maintenance mode.

      Note: The environment is in maintenance mode until the application is started or set online.
  3. Specify the user name and password of the database administrator.
  4. Click Next. The Component window is displayed.
  5. Specify this information:

    Select the component related to the service pack.

    The component is specified in the Environment Configurator Components pane (MNS104). Service packs are only delivered for a customer component.

    System configuration

    Select the system configuration where the selected component is connected.

    The system configuration is specified in the Environment Configurator Configurations pane (MNS102). Service packs are only delivered for a customer component.

    Number of threads

    Select the number of threads used for a parallel execution. The recommended number of threads is 2-3 threads per CPU.

  6. Click Next. The Summary window is displayed.
  7. Verify the values provided and click Finish.
  8. When the task is finished, a window is displayed. Click OK or click View log. You can also go to the Logs tab to view the log file.