Upgrading the database with a service pack
Use this procedure to upgrade the database with a service pack.
Ensure that the service pack has already been installed.
Right-click your environment and select Database > Upgrade Database with Service Pack.
Note: You can also open the task by clicking Database > Upgrade Database with Service Pack on the dashboard.
Perform either of these options depending on the status of the environment:
If the environment is running, the message "Set M3 BE in maintenance mode" is displayed. Click Next.
If the environment is stopped, the environment will be started in maintenance mode.
Note: The environment is in maintenance mode until the application is started or set online.
- Specify the user name and password of the database administrator.
- Click Next. The Component window is displayed.
Specify this information:
- Component
Select the component related to the service pack.
The component is specified in the Environment Configurator Components pane (MNS104). Service packs are only delivered for a customer component.
- System configuration
Select the system configuration where the selected component is connected.
The system configuration is specified in the Environment Configurator Configurations pane (MNS102). Service packs are only delivered for a customer component.
- Number of threads
Select the number of threads used for a parallel execution. The recommended number of threads is 2-3 threads per CPU.
- Click Next. The Summary window is displayed.
- Verify the values provided and click Finish.
- When the task is finished, a window is displayed. Click OK or click View log. You can also go to the Logs tab to view the log file.