Uploading an M3 Business Engine package

Use this procedure to upload M3 Business Engine (BE) components, such as additional components, feature packs, and fixes, to the LifeCycle Manager Server before you install them. Only those files related to M3 BE can be uploaded using this procedure.

  1. Right-click M3BE_xx.x and select upload M3BE package.

    The notation xx.x refers to the current version of the M3 Business Engine.

    Note: You can also open the task by clicking Upload M3 BE package on the dashboard.
  2. Click Select… and browse to the directory on your administrative client that contains the M3 BE packages. Select your packages and click Next.
  3. On the Summary window, verify the property values and click Finish.
  4. When the task is finished, a window is displayed. Click OK or click View log. You can also go to the Logs tab to view the log file.