Overriding the use of the M3 RemoteClassProvider node

The M3RemoteClassProvider is responsible for reading and writing files that reside on the base M3 BE host only. By default, this mechanism is used for all three types of BE remote files: class files (the BE application logic), stream files and transfer files. To increase performance for individual hosts, you can override the M3RemoteClassProvider and let the M3 nodes access the filesystem directly.

All the types of BE remote files can be overridden to use direct filesystem access. All M3 nodes running on the "base M3 BE" host can be safely overridden to use direct access. M3 nodes running on other hosts can also use the override mechanism, provided that some kind of shared access is available (SAN, DFS, mounted drives, etc). When the file system-based access path to the shared storage is different for each host, the override value must be configured on a per-host basis rather than as a grid-wide (global) setting.

All three types of remote files can be overridden. The names to use are:

  • NG_ROOT – The class files – must point the the M3BE base install directory

  • NG_STREAM – The stream file output directory

  • NG_TRANSFER – The transfer files directory

Set the override properties by performing this procedure:

  1. Right-click your environment and select the task Configure Application > Edit Properties.
  2. In the File Access Local Overrides group in the Grid Defined Properties section, click the property Local File Access Override.
  3. Click the path link for your M3 BE environment for the host(s) you want to change. If the path is the same for all hosts, click the Any Host path link.
  4. Click Add new entry, and enter the values corresponding to the category of files:
    Key Path
    Class files NG_ROOT the literal path to the NG_ROOT in the value field e.g. \\shared\M3BE
    Stream files NG_STREAM the path to the stream files, e.g.\\shared\M3BE\env\<env name>\output
    Transfer files NG_TRANSFER the path to transfer files e.g. \\shared\M3BE\env\<env name>\transfer
    Note:  If the output directory is frequently used, consider limiting the number of output files. Infor recommends that you monitor the activities frequently, and remove unnecessary files.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click the Save button and confirm the configuration changes.