Monitor resource usage with the Profiler

A profiler is a program that monitors how another program uses the computer’s resources. The M3 Business Engine has a built-in profiler that is more oriented to specific problems with developing and tuning the M3 Business Engine programs. The functions are useful to:

  • Measure time spent in program logic

  • Measure specific database and display operations

  • Measure time and resources in the operating system

You can run the profiler for the entire subsystem, or for an individual job :

  • To run the profiler for a subsystem: main page> subsystem page> Profiler.

    When you start the profiler from the subsystem view, individual profilers are started for all the jobs in the subsystem, and additional summary data is gathered.

  • To run the profiler for an individual job: main page> subsystem page> job name > Profiler.

    When you start the profiler from the job view, an individual profiler relating to the specific job displays.

To run the Profiler

  1. Click Enable to start the Profiler.

    Let the Profiler run until you have captured relevant data.

  2. Click Disable.

    The gathered data is displayed. To export the data into a *.csv file, click Export.