Managing location of the transfer folder for external files

The location of the directory for exporting and importing files is determined by the path defined in the property This property value is used by the M3RemoteClassProvider node, so the path is only relevant to the host where that node runs. Normally, that host is the BE host, and the default location points into the transfer folder in the environment directory.

For security reasons, the BE programs are restricted to access files within the specified directory, including subfolders. If a BE program tries to use the Foundation API with a specified path, the location will be relative to the path specified in If the location is specified as an absolute path, the absolute part of the path is discarded, and a corresponding sub directory is referenced in the transfer folder.

This example illustrates where the files will be located when the property is set toE:/M3BE151/env/M3BE_15.1_ST1/transfer:

The BE program creates: The file is written to:
export.txt E:/M3BE151/env/M3BE_15.1_ST1/transfer/export.txt
GLS/export.txt E:/M3BE151/env/M3BE_15.1_ST1/transfer/GLS/export.txt
E:\M3TRANSFER\export.txt E:/M3BE151/env/M3BE_15.1_ST1/transfer/M3TRANSFER/export.txt
E:/M3BE151/env/M3BE_15.1_ST1/transfer/export.txt E:/M3BE151/env/M3BE_15.1_ST1/transfer/M3BE151/env/M3BE_15.1_ST1/transfer/export.txt

To identify the path to the current transfer folder for external files

  1. Right-click your environment and select Configure Application.
  2. Click Edit Properties.
  3. In Application Defined Properties, expand Server runtime behavior>System parameter settings>M3 BE properties.
  4. Click the value link for

    Example: E:/M3BE151/env/M3BE_15.1_ST1/transfer

  5. If required, update the value and click Save.
    Note: If this path is changed to something else than then default, make sure that the new folder is writable and readable to the service user running the M3RemoteClassProvider node. On the windows platform, this is ensured by allowing the local group M3_GRID_GROUP full access to the new directory structure.