Selecting the script log level

Use this procedure to set the script log level settings of the server. This setting controls the log level when running scripts.

  1. Log on to LifeCycle Manager.
  2. Select Window > Preferences.
  3. Select one of these script log levels:
    • Error – Displays all error messages.

    • Warning – Displays all warning messages, along with Error messages.

    • Info – Displays all the information messages, along with Error and Warning messages.

    • Verbose – Displays all console messages generated by LifeCycle Manager, along with Info, Error, and Warning messages.

    • Debug – Displays all messages that are specifically generated by LifeCycle Manager for debugging, along with Info, Warning, Error, and Verbose messages.

  4. If you want to turn off logging of system scripts, select Do not log system scripts.
  5. Click Apply and click OK to save the changes. If you want to revert to the default settings, click Restore Defaults. The default script log level value is Info.