Selecting the script log level
Use this procedure to set the script log level settings of the server. This setting controls the log level when running scripts.
- Log on to LifeCycle Manager.
- Select Window > Preferences.
Select one of these script log levels:
Error – Displays all error messages.
Warning – Displays all warning messages, along with Error messages.
Info – Displays all the information messages, along with Error and Warning messages.
Verbose – Displays all console messages generated by LifeCycle Manager, along with Info, Error, and Warning messages.
Debug – Displays all messages that are specifically generated by LifeCycle Manager for debugging, along with Info, Warning, Error, and Verbose messages.
- If you want to turn off logging of system scripts, select Do not log system scripts.
- Click Apply and click OK to save the changes. If you want to revert to the default settings, click Restore Defaults. The default script log level value is Info.