
The Applications tab shows all spaces, products, and middleware available on the LifeCycle Manager Server. You can select which object to display in the Applications tab using the text filter field in the tab.

A context menu is displayed when you select and right-click an object in Applications tab. It contains the tasks specific to the object and the available options vary depending on the object selected: an application, a product, or a middleware. The tasks in the context menu are also available on the Dashboard when you double-click an object.

If the Applications tab is not displayed, then select Show > Applications.

This table shows the list of icons in the Applications tab:

Icon Type Description
Product installation This icon is used to indicate a product installation in LifeCycle Manager.
Middleware installation This icon is used to indicate a middleware installation in LifeCycle Manager.
Filter This icon allows you to filter the content of the Applications tab. A window is displayed allowing you to filter disabled products or middleware without attached instances.
Refresh This icon is used to refresh the objects listed in the Hosts and Applications tabs.
Manage Spaces This icon opens the Manage Spaces dialog. In this dialog, you can sort and filter spaces. You can also add, edit, and remove spaces. For more information, see Manage Spaces in the LifeCycle Manager Administration Guide.
View Menu This icon gives you another option to Install an application.
Minimize This icon gives you the option to minimize the Hosts and Applications tabs.
Maximize This icon gives you the option to maximize the Hosts and Applications tabs.