The Alerts tab shows all the alert types for these categories:
- CCSS Updates
- New CCSS patches available. Double-click the alert to open the Retrieve Fixes. See Retrieving fixes.
- New Java configuration file available. Double-click the alert to download the new file. See information about retrieving Grid Java configuration in LifeCycle Manager Administration Guide.
- New trusted signing certificates available. Double-click the alert to download new signercerts file. See information about retrieving trusted signing certificates in LifeCycle Manager Administration Guide.
- Certificate Monitoring
- Certificates about to expire soon. Double-click the alert to open the certificate notification window. See information about monitoring certificates in LifeCycle Manager Administration Guide.
- System Messages
- LDAP bind user password is about to expire soon. Double-click the alert to display a detailed warning message. See information about changing the password of an LDAP Bind User in LifeCycle Manager Administration Guide