Filtering logs

Use this procedure to filter the logs and change display options in the Logs tab using the Filter feature.

  1. Log on to LifeCycle Manager.
  2. Select Window > Show > Logs.
  3. Click the Filter button located at the upper right corner of the tab.
  4. Specify this information and consider one or more of the filter options:
    Number of rows

    Select the number of logs to view according to these options:

    • 10 last logs
    • 100 last logs
    • 1000 last logs

    Specify the user name that you want to use to filter the logs. You can also use these additional filter options to filter the user names:

    • Equals current user
    • Contains
    • Starts with
    • Ends with

    Specify the task that you want to use to filter the logs. You can also use these additional filter options to filter the tasks:

    • Contains
    • Starts with
    • Ends with

    Specify the product that you want to use to filter the logs. You can also use these additional filter options to filter the products:

    • Contains
    • Starts with
    • Ends with
    Start Date

    Specify the start date and time that you want to use to filter the logs. You can also use these additional filter options to filter the start date:

    • Before
    • After
    End Date

    Specify the end date and time that you want to use to filter the logs. You can also use these additional filter options to filter the end date:

    • Before
    • After

    Specify the host that you want to use to filter the logs. You can also use these additional filter options:

    • Contains
    • Starts with
    • Ends with

    Select to view logs according to their status using these options:

    • Exclude failed
    • Exclude passed
  5. Select Enabled to implement the conditions that you have set.
  6. Click OK. The filter icon changes appearance when the filter is activated.
  7. If you want to add another filter or set of conditions, click Add rule. You can also remove any existing filter by clicking the X button.