Types of fixes

This table shows the types of fixes that can be handled by the LifeCycle Manager Server:

Type Description
Product Package Fix

A Product Package Fix is a correction to the wizards and scripts used by LCM to manage and maintain a specific product. It can also contain updates to the product, for example the grid or grid applications.

This fix is uploaded and applied to LCM using the Retrieve Fixes task.

To complete the installation, see the upgrading through CCSS sections in the M3 Core Administration Guide for respective product.

External Fix

An External Fix is a fix to a part of a product that is not directly related to LCM, for example, a client of a product handled by LCM.

This fix is uploaded using the Retrieve Fixes task and is automatically placed in a folder named after the product. The fix is downloaded from the LCM download area http://<IP-address of your LCM server>:4062/ccss/ and installed within the external product.

For instructions on retrieving and installing these fixes, see Retrieving fixes. For instructions on exporting fix information, see Exporting fix information to an Excel file.