Uploading a product

Use this procedure to upload a product to the LifeCycle Manager Server.

  1. Select Admin > Upload Products. The Admin view is displayed and the Manage Products tab is opened by default.
  2. Click Upload. The Select packages to upload window is displayed.
  3. Select a package to upload.
  4. Click Open. A progress window is displayed followed by a verifying package window.
  5. Click Yes to register the package on the LifeCycle Manager Server.
  6. When the task is finished, a window indicating a successful registration is displayed. Click OK.
  7. A window is displayed asking you if you want to update your client. Perform one of these actions:
    • Click Yes if you are finished uploading the package.

    • Click No if you have more packages to upload.

  8. When the update of the client is finished, a window is displayed informing that the client needs to restart. Click OK to restart the client.

    The product package uploaded to the LifeCycle Manager Server is now included in the list of Registered Products in the Manage Products tab.