Changing the backup settings
You can configure the backup settings for the LifeCycle Manager Server database directly in the file. The file is located at LCMInstallDir \LCM-Server.
These properties need to be configured:
database.backup.path= |
The path needs 4 backslashes before the IP address (or name), and 2 backslashes between IP address (or name) and folder names. The folder names must exist and be shared. For example, Note: It is recommended to place the backup on a server different from the server where LifeCycle Manager Server is installed.
database.backup.path.user= |
This is the user having the necessary privileges to access and create files on the backup host under the specified backup path.
Note: If
the backup server is a member of a domain, then use
Domain\\User . If the
backup server is not a member of a domain then use
Server\\User . |
database.backup.path.password= ##018Ui4uo1Y= |
This is the password of the backup user. Specify the password in clear text. This password is encrypted when the LifeCycle Manager Server is restarted. Note: The backup user password cannot end with @.
database.backup.weekday=-1 | This is the backup schedule for the database. Every day (-1) or once a week (1=SUNDAY, ..., 7=SATURDAY). |
database.backup.hour=1 | This is used to set the hour at which the database is backed up (0-23). |
database.backup.days=-1 | This is used to select the option to never remove backup (-1) or to delete it after a set number of days (LCM has a hard-coded limit to always store the last three backups made). |