Changing the backup settings

You can configure the backup settings for the LifeCycle Manager Server database directly in the file. The file is located at LCMInstallDir \LCM-Server.

These properties need to be configured:


The path needs 4 backslashes before the IP address (or name), and 2 backslashes between IP address (or name) and folder names.

The folder names must exist and be shared.

For example, database.backup.path=\\\\\\lcmbackup.

Note: It is recommended to place the backup on a server different from the server where LifeCycle Manager Server is installed.

This is the user having the necessary privileges to access and create files on the backup host under the specified backup path.


Note: If the backup server is a member of a domain, then use Domain\\User. If the backup server is not a member of a domain then use Server\\User.



This is the password of the backup user.

Specify the password in clear text. This password is encrypted when the LifeCycle Manager Server is restarted.

Note: The backup user password cannot end with @.
database.backup.weekday=-1 This is the backup schedule for the database. Every day (-1) or once a week (1=SUNDAY, ..., 7=SATURDAY).
database.backup.hour=1 This is used to set the hour at which the database is backed up (0-23).
database.backup.days=-1 This is used to select the option to never remove backup (-1) or to delete it after a set number of days (LCM has a hard-coded limit to always store the last three backups made).