Console tool methods and options
There are console methods available for manually creating certificate signing requests for external signing, as well as methods for creating grid-signed certificates.
The console methods can be called with the following command:
UNIX, Windows, IBM i, and Linux:
java -jar certificates.jar -create...
The jar file certificates.jar is placed in the /tools directory in the grid installation folder.
There are two methods and a number of options available for managing the certificates.
Console methods
Two methods are available in the console mode: create and import. The create command generates certificates or certificate requests. The import command imports a certificate after it has been signed by an external CA.
The create command
UNIX, Windows, IBM i, and Linux:
java -jar certificates.jar -create[=<gridcert|hostcert|clientcert|sslcert|certreq|symkey>]
This command is used to generate certificates or certificate requests. The create method requires a command option which indicates what to create.
Command Option | Description |
The Note that the corresponding grid root password is not stored automatically when using this command. If you wish to create a new password, this must be stored in a file called next to the grid root keystore. It is also possible to reuse the existing by entering its contents as the -gridpassword argument. Note: This command should only be used when absolutely necessary.
The Host certificates require the grid-admin role. When using this command, the corresponding host keystore password is recreated automatically and stored in next to server.ks. Note that the symmetric key must also be regenerated when a new host certificate is created. See the |
The The roles provided when creating the certificate influences the permissions the user will have when connecting with that certificate. Note that the corresponding client keystore password is not stored automatically when using this command. If you wish to create a new password, this must be stored in a file called next to the client keystore. It is also possible to reuse the existing by entering its contents as the -clientpassword argument. |
The create=sslcert command creates a new grid-signed SSL certificate to be used by the routers of a specific grid host.
The When the certificate has been signed, it can be imported using the |
The Note that existing password properties will not decrypt correctly if the symmetric key is regenerated. To avoid this, export the properties via the Configuration Manager before regenerating the symmetric key, and then import them back afterwards. |
The import command
UNIX, Windows, IBM i, and Linux:
java -jar certificates.jar -import[=<sslcert|sslkey>]
This command is used to import an SSL certificate after it has been signed by an external CA. The same keystore must be specified during the import as when the Certificate Signing Request was generated. The command option indicates whether the private key of the new SSL certificate also should be imported.
Command option | Description |
sslcert | Import an externally signed SSL certificate into the existing keystore. The private key that is stored in the https.ks keystore is used. The public key in the certificate must correspond to the private key. |
sslkey | Import an externally signed SSL certificate together with the corresponding private key. The existing private key and certificate in the https.ks keystore will be replaced. |
Console method options
Most of the following options are used in conjunction with the create
command. A <p> after the option name indicates that a value is needed for the option.
Method Option | Description |
-address <p>
An IP address that this certificate is valid for. Host names will be resolved using May be specified more than once to enable the certificate to be valid for multiple IP addresses. |
-altname <p>
Alternate fully qualified domain name or the IP address for the host for which this certificate is created. May be specified more than once to enable certificate to be valid for multiple fully qualified domain names. |
-certfile <p>
The name of a file containing a signed certificate and/or certificates needed to establish a trust chain to the signed certificate. May be specified more than once. |
-clientkeystore <p>
Path to the directory where keystore file for the client is to be saved. |
-clientname <p>
Name of the client for which this certificate is created. |
-clientpassword <p>
Client certificate password. |
-dname <p>
The X.500 distinguished name to be used in the subject field in the certificate. It should not contain the CN attribute since this is automatically added, derived from the hostfqdn option. |
-from <p>
Certificate valid from date in YYYYMMDD format (default today). |
-gridkeystore <p>
Path to the grid keystore directory. |
-gridname <p>
Name of the grid for which this certificate is created. |
-gridpassword <p>
Grid certificate password. |
-hostfqdn <p>
The fully qualified domain name or the IP address for the host for which this certificate is created. Note that if the host FQDN value should be used to identify the server in the SSL handshake, it must be specified as an altname value as well. |
-hostkeystore <p>
Path to the host keystore directory. |
-hostname <p>
Name of the host for which this certificate is created. |
-keyalg <p>
Specifies the algorithm to be used to generate the keypair. The default is RSA .
-keyfile <p>
The absolute path to the keystore file to import into Grid. Used to import an SSL certificate with the private key. |
-keypassword <p>
The password for the keystore referred to by the keyfile parameter. |
-keysize <p>
Specifies the size of each key to be generated. The default is 1024 .
Keystore type for client keystores, optional; default is jks .
-role <p>
A role attached to this principal. May be specified more than once. Only valid for client certificates. |
-serial <p>
Certificate serial number, uniquely maintained by the CA. |
-sigalg <p>
Specifies the algorithm that should be used to sign certificates and CSRs. The default is SHA256WITHRSA .
-sslkeystore <p>
Path to the SSL keystore directory. |
-symkeypath <p>
Path to the host secret key directory. |
-to <p>
Certificate valid to date in YYYYMMDD format (default in 90 days in the future). |
Modify the meaning of address to not resolve host names. |