Install using the "Custom Ping" profile

  1. In LifeCycle Manager, select Actions > Install Product.
  2. From the list, select the product Infor SAML Session Provider <version>. Click Next.
  3. On the Host selection window, select the grid host you want to deploy the SAML Session Provider to. Select "Custom Ping" as the installation profile, and click Next.
  4. If a SAML router already exists, you will be asked if you want to reuse that router. If no SAML router exists, on the Router properties window, define the properties for the router to be used by the session provider and for any additional endpoint addresses and click Next:
    External address

    The external address for the router.

    IP Address

    The external IP address of the router. The installation provides the next highest available ports as a suggestion for this field and the next field.

    Http port

    The HTTP port for the router.

    Https port

    The HTTPS port for the router.

    Additional ACS endpoints

    If load balancers are placed in front of the Grid, the SAML Session Provider needs to publish endpoints for those addresses. Write one entry per row in the format "fqdn:port" (without quotes). The first entry will be configured as the Logout Endpoint. If nothing is added here, all login and logout endpoints are based on the Grid router properties defined above.

    If additional endpoints are given, the first address will be used to form the logout endpoint for the SAML Session Provider. This address will also be used to generate the entity ID used to identify this installation in the IdP. If no additional endpoints are given, the router properties will be used for both these purposes.

  5. On the Ping properties window, select the IdP properties file for the PingFederate installation and click Next.
  6. On the IFS CE Properties window, select the properties file for the IFS CE properties and provide the password for the IFS client certificate if IFS CE is to be used. Click Next.
  7. Review the fields on the SAML Properties window and click Next. These properties are used by the SAML Session Provider when communicating with the IdP and also define the endpoints the SAML Session Provider will provide for logging in and logging out. In most scenarios, the provided default values are the best.

    Pay special attention to the following properties:

    Requested Authn Context

    Define the preferred method of authenticating to the IdP. For further information regarding this property, see SAML Authentication Request approved authentication methods.

    Authn Context Comparison

    Define the way to interpret the Requested Authn Context scope. For further information regarding this property, see SAML Authentication Request approved authentication methods.

  8. Review the values on the Summary window and click Finish to start the installation.
  9. Continue with the procedure Add Service Provider Configuration to PingFederate.