Uploading the Session Providers to the LifeCycle Manager

Use this procedure to upload the ION Session Providers to the LifeCycle Manager. The Session Providers package includes the SAML, Windows and LDAP session providers. After you have uploaded the Session Providers package, you can install the session providers in an ION Grid for LifeCycle Manager. If you have an ION Grid installed through the Java installation program, the session providers available for that grid are bundled with the applications for that grid.

Upload ION Grid Session Providers to LifeCycle Manager

  1. Log on to LifeCycle Manager as administrator.
  2. Select Admin > Admin View. The Manage Products tab is displayed by default.
  3. Click Upload and select the file Session_Providers_ version .lcm from the place on your client where the downloaded packages are stored.
  4. On the Verifying package window, click Yes to accept to register the packages on the LifeCycle Manager Server.
  5. When the task is finished, a dialog appears. Click OK.
  6. When the dialog appears asking you if you want to update your client, click Yes.
  7. When the update is done, a dialog appears informing that the client needs to be restarted. Click OK to restart the client.
  8. Log in again.