Add Assertion Consumer Service endpoint to InforSTS
- Log in to the Infor STS Administrator UI.
Navigate to the SP connections and identify the SP connection corresponding with the SAML Session Provider installation. Click Edit.
The Display name should be in the format: Grid-<gridPurpose><optional index> and the Identifier should be in the format: urn:Infor_<XiPlatformFarmName>_<XiPlatformID>:Grid_<gridPurpose><optional index>.
- In the section "Connection endpoint - Assertion Consumer Service - SAML 2.0", ensure that all the Assertion Consumer Services endpoints configured in SAML Session Provider are present.
To add an endpoint, click the Add-button and specify the fields in the popup window.
- Endpoint type
This field should be pre-set to ACS.
- Endpoint binding
InforSTS only supports POST which corresponds to the SAML binding urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST used in SAML Session Provider.
- Endpoint URL
Copy the Assertion Consumer Services URL from the SAML Session Provider configuration.
- Is default
Select if this is the default ACS. Normally, the first ACS created is set as default.
- Endpoint index
Provide a number that is 1 higher than the currently highest index value of the existing ACS configurations for this SP connection. Click Ok.
- Click Save when all ACS endpoints are added.