To change the user assigned to the grid service on Windows platforms
Stop the Grid.
Access the Windows Server Manager on the server where the grid bootstrap service runs.
Under Configuration, select Services.
In the list of services, locate the grid bootstrap service. It will have a name in the format:
Infor ION Grid Bootstrap - gridName-hostName
Stop the grid bootstrap service. Right-click the entry and select Stop.
Double-click the entry to open the Properties dialog box.
On the Log On property page, change the default user to the user you want the grid on this host to run as.
Ensure that the Grid service user is added to the local Grid full security group, named gridName_full. For more information, see "File Security" in the Infor ION Grid Security Administration Guide.
Start the grid bootstrap service. Right-click the grid bootstrap service entry and select Start.
Start the Grid.