View Repository

The application repository is the central store for all applications stored in the Grid database. From here you can:

  • View the applications currently in the repository

  • Add a new application gar to the repository

  • Remove an application from the repository

To add an application to the repository

  1. Click Upload Application.

  2. Click Browse, navigate to the location of the application gar file, and select it.

  3. Click Upload.

To remove an application gar file from the repository

Note: You can only remove an application that is not deployed.
  1. Click the delete button at the right end of the application gar line.

To deploy an application gar file

  1. Click the deploy link at the end of the application repository line.

  2. Enter the following information:

    • Name - give the application a name which will be used within the Grid.

    • Profile - select the deployment profile to be executed when the application is deployed - refer to the application documentation or choose default.

    • Configuration data - browse and select the configuration property file for the application if applicable. The file should be a Java property file, refer to the following link for more information:

    • Scaling - if the application developer has enabled this feature, selecting the check box will cause the application to automatically deploy on any host added to the Grid.

    • Hosts - select one or more hosts to deploy the application on.

  3. Click Finish