Accessing the offline-version of the Configuration Manager

Use this procedure to access the offline-version of the Configuration Manager. This is useful when you cannot access the other administrative user interfaces.

  • The following method can only be used on platforms which support a graphical user interface and have a supported browser installed.

  • The scripts delivered assume that the Java executable location is on the path, to verify this you can open a command prompt and type "java" and press Enter. If a command not found exception occurs then Java is not on the path and should be added.

To access the Offline Configuration Manager

  1. Open the file explorer/browser tool on the server hosting the grid and navigate to grid_root_installation_path\grids\yourGridName.
  2. Run the OfflineConfigUI.cmd by double-clicking on it.
  3. Enter the connection options for the grid you want to manage. The default is to use the configuration for the grid located where you launched the offline-version of the Configuration Manager from.
  4. Click Launch Config Manager.