Deploy Application on Hosts
If you want to scale out an application to a host that it is not yet deployed to, you may use this procedure. After you have deployed the application on the new hosts, you also must reconfigure bindings for the application so that the bindings allow for the application to start on the new hosts. To configure the bindings, use the procedure Configure Application.
An alternative to scaling out is that you want to move the application to a new host. In that case, you deploy the application to the new host, as described here, and later remove the application from the old host. An alternative to removing the application from the old host is to leave it there but just reconfigure the bindings so that it is not possible for the application to start on that host.
- Access the Grid Management Pages.
- Click on the name of the application at the bottom of the page for the application you would like to deploy.
- Click Configuration.
- Click the Scale Out link.
- Select the host(s) you would like to scale the application out to and confirm the change.
- Save the changes by clicking on Save at the top of the configuration panel.