Grid Management Pages for Monitoring the Grid
When you are running grid applications in a grid, it is important to monitor the state of both the applications and the grid itself. This monitoring enables you to see if an application is having problems that must be addressed or if the grid itself has problems. Typical things to monitor are errors or warnings in the log files. Also, making sure that applications are configured with sufficient memory is very important.
The Grid Management Pages provide you with three main pages for monitoring and configuring the grid:
A dashboard called Grid Home
A set of management pages where the main page is called Topology View
A set of configuration pages where the main page is called Configuration Manager
You may navigate between these pages by clicking the grey icons located to the left in the page header, at the top of the page. The house-icon navigates to Grid Home, the connection-icon (strange looking symbol with three connected dots) navigates to the Topology View, and the cogwheel-icon navigates to the Configuration Manager. The fourth icon, the spanner/wrench, is not for navigation, but for changing settings in the user interface.
In addition to the navigation icons, the page header also presents the name of the page you are viewing and a bread crumb located to the right of the icons. The bread crumb presents where you are in the page structure, and how you got there.
In the page footer, located at the bottom of the page, you may view the user name, the name of the grid, the version of the grid and the server’s date and time. If you are not logged in, there is a link to log in instead of the user name.
To access the Grid Management Pages, see Accessing the Grid Management Pages.