Configure Secondary Registry Host in LifeCycle Manager
Use this procedure to improve the availability of the registry node. However, note that this procedure is only part of creating a highly available solution.
The registry node is responsible for many key tasks within the grid including holding the current topology of the running grid and managing distributed locks. If the registry node fails the grid will slowly come to a halt and it will not be possible to start new nodes.
The registry is not stateful, so in the event of a failure a replacement node can take its place with no impact to the operation of the grid. Thus, it is possible to configure a secondary host to support the registry so that in the event of the primary host failing, the grid will not fail. In the event of the primary registry host being unable to start the registry node, the secondary host will start up a registry node. Once the primary registry node is able to be started again, the secondary registry node will terminate.
To configure the registry failover host in LifeCycle Manager
In LifeCycle Manager, expand the Grid Hosts tree for the grid you wish to configure the second registry host for.
Right-click on the registry host and select Host Maintenance > Configure Registry Failover.
Select the host you want to add as the registry failover host.
Click Next and then click Finish.
To remove the registry failover host in LifeCycle Manager
In LifeCycle Manager, expand the Grid Hosts tree for the grid you wish to configure the second registry host for.
Right-click on the registry host and select Host Maintenance > Configure Registry Failover.
Select the blank entry in the list of hosts.
Click Next and then click Finish.