SFTP with SSH public key authentication

You can use Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) for user authentications when using IEC Partner Administration Tool. Using SFTP, send and receive data transfers take place using Secure Shell (SSH) Data Stream protocol. This function allows users to send and receive messages securely, using private keys or passwords. Through IEC SFTP, you can encrypt/decrypt messages using three methods.

Note: The SFTP and SSH public key should be configured in the user's SFTP server. You must also have the private key configured in the IEC server using the partner administrator to use these features.

You must first upload a SFTP private key before specifying the type of authentication:

  1. In IEC Partner Administration tool, click Manage > SFTP Private Keys.
  2. Click New.
  3. Click Select Private Key.
  4. Specify the directory of the private key and click Open.
  5. Click Close.