Receive Channel

A receiving host communicates from a storage device in the sending host. There are two receive communication channel types, the Server and the Polling type.

Note: For messages that require BE connection, received messages will fail if there is no BE connection. When this happens you can set the PauseWhenNoBE property for every receive channel to control that channel to "Pause" when no BE connection is detected. See the topic "BE connection monitor and PauseWhenNoBE setting" in Infor Enterprise Collaborator Administration Guide.

Server type receive channel

Server type is a passive channel that waits for a connection from external resources for incoming communication.

When IEC is busy, MvxNGIn returns a busy code back to M3, but MvxNGInRouter will not return a busy code, it will persist messages into the local file system.

The Server type channel load should be managed external to IEC. See Server type channel properties.

Polling type receive channel

Polling type is a proactive channel that regularly communicates with external resources based on your specified time interval.

IEC engine is enhanced to provide utilization check based on the current load that IEC is processing. If IEC has full load, polling channels may skip a poll. See Polling type channel properties.