Executing Flat Detection using Target Groups Before you can use flat detections, you must create a flat target group and flat targets. In the Agreement view pane, select an agreement. Create flat targets, if not already created. You create flat file targets in the Targets tab > Flat tab. To access the tab, in PA tool menu, select Manage > Detections. Create a flat target group. You create flat file targets in the Target Groups tab > Flat tab. To access the tab, in PA tool menu, select Manage > Detections. Add the flat target group to the Targets for selected group list. Add the flat detection to the detection order and click Save. You add the flat detection in the Detection Order tab. Close the window and create a new agreement. Specify the basic information, and then click the Detection tab. Select your flat target group in the Flat detection. From our example, select the FLAT TG target group. Add the target values. Save the detection. Click the Processes tab to set up the process flow to run. Save the process flow. See Creating flat target group. See Creating flat file targets.