Adding DAF Archive in a process flow

Before you can add DAF Archive, you must define a DAF Agreement to use, a DAF Environment is running, and a DAF connection is already configured.

You configure a DAF connection in PA menu, select Manage > Communications > DAF (Document Archive Foundation) tab.

  1. Click the Agreement View tab. Select a DAF agreement to use.
  2. Right-click on Process tab, select DAF Archive.
  3. On the Configuration for DAF Archive window, select a DAF connection to use.
  4. Select an action:
    Update Only

    Select this to update only the archive file.

    Delete the document file

    Select this to remove the document file from the sender application.

  5. In the Run On Host (expression) field, specify an expression to use.

    For example, "cfs".

    Where "cfs" refers to the central file system where EC_Central node is located.


    EC now runs on different hosts. You must add a value to Run On Host.

  6. Leave the "Specify File Location" or the "File location Xpath" fields blank to enable DAF to archive itself and to not require for a link to the corresponding document, or image.

    Specify this information, if required:

    File name Xpath

    For example, specify /DAF/FILENAME

    File Location Xpath

    For example, specify /DAF/FILELOC

  7. Click OK, Save.
  8. Verify that DAF Archive process is created and saved on EC.