DAF overview

Several applications are used to automate the conversion of original documents (hard copy, e-mail, facsimile) to another format (xml, image file format, edi, or pdf file) ready for archiving. Document archiving is a legal requirement which allows users to revisit the document for later use or for processing.

Document Archive Foundation (DAF) is a tool used for storing, sharing, reusing, and archiving digital content. DAF helps reduce the time and cost of document search. Customers use DAF to store business documents connected to Infor M3 objects and make these documents available in the Infor user interface.

IEC provides an integration workflow called M3 API/mappings, and an archiving solution through DAF, for document or image files. In this integration workflow, IEC can process documents or image files and retrieve the digitized images for DAF archive process. The corresponding document or image linked to the received message is automatically archived in DAF and a copy of the document remains in the sender application. You update the archived file attributes in IEC DAF.

Use this example procedure in integration workflow:

  1. Create DAF connections.

    You create DAF connections in Manage > Communications > DAF tab.

  2. Create the Basic Data for the connection.

    You create Basic Data for your connection in Manage > DAF Basic Data.

  3. Use DAF Archive process step.

    You select process steps in the Processes tab.

    To access the Process Tab, select an agreement to use in the left pane, then go to the Processes tab in the right pane.