Priority message property settings
Priority property
Use an integer. Value 1 is set as high priority.
This property is available in a channel and in a partner agreement. The priority property calculates the placement of a message in a queue. The internal calculation uses a formula that also includes timestamp. Technically, even if a message is set to priority 1, when a priority 3 message has been queued ahead of a priority 1 message, the priority 3 message are executed first.
The Priority property is different from the Ordered property. In a multi-worker thread set-up, which is the standard, the Priority property setting does not guarantee that a priority 1 message is executed before the lower priority messages. What the Priority property guarantees is the order inside a queue. However, multiple-worker threads can retrieve from queue in succession.
Ordered property
Use an integer. Value 0 or 1.
The Ordered property guarantees that a message is processed one after the other based on Order ID. Order ID is internally defined using the channel name or the File Splitting process. For example, ordered channel ABC has a different set of ordered messages from ordered channel DEF. File Splitting process has an ordered option if the user wants to handle sequential processing of sub messages.
See, Split Redetect.
Check Order process
The check order process uses ordering functionality. This process defines an Order ID based on an XPath value from a received message. For example, related messages should have a unique ID to be used as basis of order.