Managing XML Targets

Use this procedure to view the details, edit the name or description, and to remove an XML target in Partner Admin Tool.

  1. On Partner Admin Tool menu, select Manage > Detection.
  2. Click the Targets tab > XML tab.
  3. Select a target to use.

    The view shows the field information of the target.

    For Simple XML document and EventData message examples, see the section after this procedure.

    Use the EventData message example for EC to be able to distinguish or detect EventData messages supporting numbered element detection of XPath, that is /bookstore/book[1..n].

  4. Click Edit to update the fields information.
  5. On the Edit existing target window, modify the field values.

    Target name, description, path, and the default namespace URI.

  6. Click OK.
  7. To delete, select the target and click Delete.
  8. At the delete prompts, click Yes to remove the XML target from the database.
  9. Click OK to save the changes.