Check Order

Check Order is used to process related messages, or a sequence of messages. It uses the value of the primary key and variation ID to determine if messages are related and what process order to follow. Both the primary key and variation ID must be available in the XML message. EC uses Xpath to extract the primary key and variation ID values. But, if the values are not found, the message will have an exception.

Check Order restriction

If used, Check Order must be placed as first in a process step list and there must only be one instance of Check Order step in a process. You click and drag a step to change its order in a process.

Primary Key

A primary key can be a single Xpath or a combination of multiple Xpaths.

Use these guidelines:

  • If multiple messages have the same primary key value the messages are related.

  • Then, the Variation ID value is checked to determine the process order of messages.

Variation ID

Variation ID (VID) uses numeric value. The numeric value is the basis of a process order.

Use these guidelines:

  • If VID is empty, messages will be processed.

  • If VID has a value, it will be compared against the value of previously processed messages within the same primary key.

  • If VID has an equal or lesser value, the current message will be rejected.

  • If VID has a greater value, the current messages will proceed. The value is used as basis of process order.


In the Management page you can add, edit, or remove the functionality of Variation IDs to allow previously skipped messages to be processed.

For example, the "Xpath No Attribute Existing" message means that the node with the Xpath should not have an existing attribute in it.

Use this XML example:

<B attri_1="someValue">XXX</B>
<B attri_1="someValue">XXX</B>
<B >333</B>

Then, we will get 333.